Winter Olympics!
Year 1 have had a fun morning taking part in our Winter Olympics!
Wilderspin visit
Year 2 had a fantastic day last Monday at Wilderspin National School in Barton. We found out how to be archaeologists in uncovering artefacts from the past, and most memorably, becoming a Victorian child in a Victorian style classroom!
Silver Awards
Well done to Max, Isaiah, Isaac, Tyler, Olivia, Charlotte, Solomon, Maria and Lilian for being awarded 200 smileys. Brilliant!
Winter Olympics 2019
This afternoon we took part in our annual Winter Olympics. We played to score points for our house teams.
The first event for Y6 was indoor curling in the hall.
Next up was the (not-so-icey) hockey dribble. We competed in relay teams.
Our third event was the (yet-to-be-included in the…
Winter Olympics year 6
This afternoon we had our annual Winter Olympics and we had a fantastic time. Year 6 started with curling in the Hall.
Next, we worked in house relay teams for a hockey dribble.
After that, we did the dress the snowman relay race.
Mrs Lofts and Miss Appleby also had a go!
Finally, we…
Bronze Awards
Congratulations to Rowan, Phoebe, Michael, Liam, Louie, Eva, Oaklin, Ava, Lucas and Elliot for being awarded 100 smileys. Well done everyone!
Magic mathematicians.
In maths this week we have been continuing to look at division. Today we were looking at the relationship between multiplication and division.
We were given 5 numbers and had to think about the numbers that would go together so that we could write 4 number sentences (2 multiplication and 2…
Collaborative Work
As part of our topic (Is The World Fair?), the children have been looking at trading and globalisation. They have learnt lots of new, tricky words and have brilliantly been able to explain them. They were challenged to create a glossary suitable for Year 3 and 4 explaining what some of these words…
Under the sea story boxes with parents.
A huge thank you to all the parents and grandparents who visited us this morning! The staff were all extremely impressed with the fantastic story boxes you and the children produced. What fantastic crafters you all are! The children can’t wait to use them to tell their own stories.
Safer Internet Day 2019
Tuesday 5th February was Safer Internet Day and in Y6 we thought and talked about how we use the internet and what possible risks or dangers there might be.
We discussed how we can keep ourselves safe and worked together to produce some posters to advise others.
Prodigy Maths superstars!
Over the last three weeks, we have been having a Prodigy Maths competition between our class members. Well done to Jasmine, Grace and Jack for being our first three leaderboard winners.
Wonderful Wilderspin
On Monday, we went to the Wilderspin National School museum in Barton. We went to learn about what school was like in Victorian times.
We found it really interesting. Mrs Hewson was our teacher, we had to pay a penny or give a wooden token to go to school. Our classroom is very different.…