Breakfast and After School Club 

Springfield Primary Academy Breakfast and After School Club provides wraparound care to support parents and carers of children attending the school. The Breakfast and After School Club follows the procedures and policies of the school and endeavour to maintain the positive ethos and high expectations of behaviour, in a more informal setting.

Opening Times

Monday – Friday (term time only)

Breakfast Club is available from 7.45 till 9.00.

The After- School club times are 3.30- 4.30 and 3.30 – 5.30


Breakfast Club: £4.50

After School Care from 3.30-4.30: £5.00

After School Care from 3.30-5.30: £7.00

The Breakfast Club is run by Mrs Boam, Mrs Lofts and Mrs Blythin.

After School club is run by Mrs Boam, Mrs Kirkham and Miss Chaplin.


Children aged from Nursery up until Year 6 are welcome to attend both Breakfast Club and After School Club.

Due to a limited amount of spaces in our After School Club we ask that children are booked via MCaS at least 72 hours in advance, to ensure that your child has a place. We understand, on occasion, this may not be possible so we can take bookings, via the school office, after this time, if space allows, with prior payment on MCaS.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is in the Hall; the children arrive through the main reception.

Children who attend Breakfast Club are given the choice of physical activities, constructive activities and mark making with free flow breakfast available.

After Breakfast Club, children in Year 3 to Year 6 are allowed on to the playground where there is a teacher on duty. Nursery to Year 2 children are walked down to their classrooms.

After school club

The After-School Club is located in the first classroom at the side of the bungalow. to gain access, please ring  the bell situated on the left-hand side wall near the gate.

Children who attend nursery up to year two will be brought to the After School Club by a member of the school staff; year 3 to year 6 children are able to walk down to the After School Club.

If your child attends a club after school, a member of staff will collect your child from the club.

Children will have  a range of activities available to them,  suitable to be adapted to different age ranges. These activities are planned on a weekly basis, though may change on the day as we try to be flexible and follow children’s interests. Activities may also be planned around the children’s topic that term to support children’s knowledge and understanding.

The children will have access to the outdoor area, weather permitting. We ask that if possible you can send your children with appropriate clothing.

Children will be offered a snack and a drink after school, which is free flow throughout the session.

Breakfast and After School Club Policy

Updated: 26/02/2025 124 KB