At Springfield Primary Academy, we aim to provide a high quality RE curriculum to develop and achieve a broad understanding of the world around us. We believe that it is essential for all our pupils to learn from and about different religions. We use a question based concept to enable the children to take more responsibility and involvement in their learning.
Children will compare and contrast Christianity throughout their primary RE journey with other religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism to ensure that children have a wide yet detailed knowledge base of world religion. We want children to enjoy and love learning about their beliefs as well as others’ beliefs so that they become tolerant, respectful and inquisitive learners of religion.
We aim to develop the following essential characteristics:
- An interest in religious education and an enthusiastic engagement in learning, which develops their sense of curiosity about the varying beliefs in our country and the world
- An excellent knowledge and understanding of people, events/stories and key figures from a range of religions
- The ability to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate the past, helping to produce key questions to advance their knowledge and understanding.
- The ability to think methodically and critically about religion and confidently communicate their views, opinions and ideas.
- A respect for every person’s religious beliefs and the ability to explain their viewpoints with consideration and respect