North East Lincolnshire Special Educational Needs Survey
North East Lincolnshire have been given a fantastic opportunity to work in conjunction with the Department for Education on a project called ‘Delivering Better Value in SEND’.
Part of the project is to better understand why so many requests for statutory assessment (EHCPs) are being made, and…
Remembering Queen Elizabeth II
We were very sad to hear of the death of the Queen in September and in response the children paid tributes in different ways, for examle: artwork, poetry and letters.
Miss Appleby's class decided they wanted to create a lasting memorial to the Queen so as a class we wrote a letter to local…
KS2 Celebration Assembly 22/11/22
This week another fantastic range of achievements.
We heard about some boys who earned their scientist badge at Cubs, a performer badge a Brownies, red belts at karate, man of the match at football and success at swimming.
Children In Need 2022
Well done and thank you to everyone who donated to Children In Need, whether you dressed up in spots or not.
There were some lovely outfits and it seems many children had grown some unusual ears!
Celebration assembly
It was lovely to hear so many children celebrating their achievements and contributions to the community this week. Well done everyone.
KS2 Celebration Assembly 4/11/22
Wow - so many children celebrating their achievements and contributions to the community this week. We had our usual sporting achievements in football for children attending clubs or competitions and successes in swimming and a dance competition. Additionally three of our Y6 boys took part in the…
Year 5/6 football
The girls' football team went to Bradley football ground yesterday afternoon and played 6 different schools. They excelled as a team and certainly made an impression on most of the other schools. They won five out of the six games with a score of 1-0, 5-0, 7-0, 3-0 and 8-0! They also faced a…
4th November Celebration Assembly
It was fantastic to hear about all the children’s achievements outside school. They enjoyed sharing their certificates and telling me how they achieved them.
KS2 Celebration Assembly 8/11/22
Some more terrific celebrations this week again. It was lovely to hear about your achievements in football, in swimming, Brownies,dance and success in being a history detective.
KS2 Celebration Assembly 1/11/22
Well done to the children who shared their achievements with us in assembly today. It was lovely to hear about the brilliant things you have been doing. We heard about gymnastic triumphs, Brownies badges, a history quest, winning at games at a kids club on holiday and several boys told us about…
Kurling Triumph!
Our kurling team was in action just before the half term holiday. The children had a great time, with our girls' team making the final of their group and both the boys' and girls' team being awarded the the most sporting teams. Well done Dominic, Ruby, Max and Logan.
Celebration assembly 20/10/22
It was lovely to hear about a range of achievements in assembly. The children were so proud to show us their awards and tell us about them.