This term, we have been looking at directions, we have directed our partner, used a toy animal and used a treasure map! Today, we had a go at directing the bee-bots to different letters and sounds.
Forest School Fun
We enjoyed our visit to Forest School this week. It was fun exploring and making stick houses for the three little pigs.
Learning to tell the time
Over the past 2 weeks, Mrs Capes and Mrs Jones maths group have been learning about time. We have covered months, days and weeks and this week we have moved on to telling the time with digital and analogue clocks.
The children seem to be enjoying learning about time. This is a subject where…
Making Our Solar System
Over the past two weeks, the children have been making the solar system to hang in our classroom. They started by blowing up a balloon for their planet and covering it with papier-mâché. This was a messy job!
Once the balloons had dried, they researched the colours of their planets and began…
This week in Maths we have been sharing. We started by sharing between our friends and then today we shared on our own between the Big Maths characters!
Well done Year 1, you are super sharers!
Woodland animals
This week in Topic we sketched and painted woodland animals. We enjoyed mixing colours to get the right shade that we needed and sketching carefully to get the right shapes. In English we then wrote an acrostic poem to go along with our painting. We can’t wait to show you in open…
Well done to Emily, Louie, Emily, Charley, Kellan, Marni, Archie, Charlie, Lucas, Erin, Joel, Pippa, Scarlett and Dominic for being awarded 200 smileys. You are all super stars!
Congratulations to Charlotte, Max and Romain for being awarded 300 smileys. Brilliant!
Position and direction.
This week, we wrote a set of instructions to move Bee-Bot from one animal to another. We had to think of which way Bee-Bot should go, it was a little bit tricky to remember how a left or right turn. Sometimes we got it wrong and had to start again.
Will You Tell Me A Story?
We have loved listening to and retelling the stories of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man. We have written character descriptions of Goldilocks and have remembered to use capital letters and full stops. We have also been having fun playing in the porridge. We have compared the…
It’s SATs and we are ready!
This week we have been hard at work revising for our SATs, which take place next week. We’ve worked collaboratively to support each other in our revision and we are now ready.
Monday – SPaG and Spelling
Tuesday – Reading
Wednesday – Maths (Arithmetic Paper 1 and Reasoning Paper…
Congratulations to Tommy, Alex, Ruby and Gabriel for being awarded 200 smileys.