We we had a great PE lesson learning how to play Ultimate Frisbee! Great work!
Andy Goldworthy!
On Tuesday we had a look at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. We looked carefully at some of his work and discussed them.
We then collected our own natural materials and created our own piece of Andy Goldsworthy inspired art!
Congratulations to Poppy and Max for being awarded 400 smileys! What an achievement!
Gold Award
Well done to Georgia and Annabelle for being awarded 300 smileys! Brilliant!
Multi skills!
We had a fantastic morning at multi skills today, well done Year 1!
Noah and Toby were chosen as the two stars, well done boys!
3D Shape
As part of our maths unit on shape, today, we began looking at 3D shapes and their properties.
Silver Award!
Well done to Eva, Phoebe and Shay for being awarded 200 smileys.
Pastel play
This week, the children have been creating tiger pencil drawings looking at tones and textures through shading. Today, they have had the chance to use pastels to add colour and another medium to their art work. The children have produced some beautiful creations.
We progressed with position and direction by programming the Bee-Bots to move along a track that we made in small groups. We tried hard to work collaboratively by discussing the route we wanted the Bee-Bot to take and taking turns to put each instruction into the Bee-Bot.
SATs a Relief!
After a hard week where we concentrated and worked really hard on our SATs tests, we decided we needed a break. Today we have had a chill-out day.
We spent the morning on the laptops and I-Pads and during the afternoon, we watched Goosebumps 2 on DVD. It is definitely a relief to have SATs…
Steel Pans
This term our children are learning to play the steel pans in their music lessons. Here are some photos from our session the other day. The sessions are very loud but great fun!