This week we have been hard at work revising for our SATs, which take place next week. We’ve worked collaboratively to support each other in our revision and we are now ready.

Monday – SPaG and Spelling

Tuesday – Reading

Wednesday – Maths (Arithmetic Paper 1 and Reasoning Paper 2)

Thursday – Maths (Reasoning Paper 3)


A  message from Miss A:

1) Try to relax over the weekend and get plenty of sleep during SATs week.

2) Make sure you bring a bottle of water to keep yourselves hydrated – you might like to bring a healthy snack each day too.

3) DON’T PANIC! You’ve all worked very hard and made fantastic progress. You are ready! However if you do want to boost your confidence have a look at your practice books, access your BugClub and Prodigy Maths accounts, or try some of the websites listed on the Easter Revision blog.

4) Just try as hard as you can – use everything that you have learned and be proud knowing that you did your best.

Miss Ax