16 November 2018

Searching for Signs of Autumn.

We are very lucky here at Springfield to have our own outdoor classroom known affectionately as “The Wild Area!” We headed over there this week to search for signs of Autumn. We had lots of fun collecting leaves, observing the colours and looking for wildlife.

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16 November 2018

Children in Need

We love wearing our pyjamas for school!

We have learnt about ways in which BBC Children in Need help children all over the UK.

We have also learnt the different ways that people raise money for this cause.

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16 November 2018

Stonehenge Spectacular!

This week, the children created a stone henge silhouette painting. To begin with, they researched sunsets and they explored the use of shading using watercolours. They then painted their sunset and used black card to recreate the Stonehenge boulders. Well done everyone they look great…

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16 November 2018

Comparing life cycles

As part of our science on life cycles, we have been given a challenge to find out and compare different life cycles.  We were asked to create a pitch for a TV programme called ‘Life’ in the form of a poster.

In our posters, we had to include information on the life cycles of plants, mammals,…

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15 November 2018

Material hunt

In Science, have been learning about different materials. Today, we went on a hunt to see if we could find objects around school that were made of different materials. We collaborated with our partner and found lots of different things!

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15 November 2018

Questioning Materials

Why do we use materials for different things? We talked about the properties of different materials: rigid, bumpy and translucent to name a few. In our KAGAN groups we talked lots about why materials are not used, for example, why isn’t paper a good material for a window?

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15 November 2018

Wuff, wuff, here we come!

In P.E. this week, as part of our topic What Makes the Purr-fect Pet, the children wore the dog ears they had made and had fun pretending to be dogs on a dog training course.  They were very good at travelling over, under, around and through the obstacles and all had a brilliant time!

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15 November 2018

Autumn is here!

We went to Forest School this week looking for signs of autumn.

The trees were looking very bare and the ground was covered with leaves. There was a chill in the air and we definitely needed our wellies on!  Everyone had great fun exploring and collecting leaves to stick onto their autumn…

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13 November 2018

QR crazy!

In today’s maths lesson, the children used their division knowledge to tackle a QR treasure hunt. Each child had a set of questions that corresponded to the QR codes around the room. Once they answered the question, they then had to find and scan the corresponding code to reveal a letter. Each…

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13 November 2018

Waltham Cenotaph

On Monday Y5 and Y6 took our annual walk to the cenotaph in Waltham – to show our respect for those who  fought in the World War I and II and for those who  serve in the armed forces now.

We recited the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McRae and our class ambassadors laid the poppy wreaths we…

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12 November 2018


Congratulations to Jude, Noah, Clara, Charlotte, Olivia, Amelia, Olivia and Jensen for being awarded 100 smileys. Well done everyone.

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12 November 2018

We will remember

Because it was Armistice day yesterday, we walked to the Waltham Cenotaph today to lay some poppies in remembrance for those who died at war.  As it is 100 years since WW1 ended,  we chose to make our wreaths in the shape of a ‘100’.

We also recited ‘In Flanders Fields’.  It is a famous…

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