4 April 2019


Congratulations to Daniel, Jack, Farrah and Joseph for being awarded 200 smileys. A brilliant achievement!

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3 April 2019

Reversible and Irreversible Changes

In Science, we have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes.  We found out that some materials act as reactants and when something is done to them they change.  Some changes are reversible, but others are not and we call this irreversible.  Our first task was to decide, when…

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1 April 2019


We have had lots of fun learning about and experimenting with capacity!

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1 April 2019

Visitors from Africa

Today we were visited by Hannah and Lizzie, who have both lived and worked in Africa. Lizzie told us all about the village school she worked at in Tanzania. She showed us photographs and videos of the school and the children. It is very different to Springfield. The classroom is outside and they…

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29 March 2019


Well done to Poppie, Elsie, Sienna, Alice, Elliott, Piper, Keeley and Ada for being awarded 300 smileys. That’s brilliant!


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29 March 2019

Super Science

In science, we did an experiment to test whether different materials were good insulators of heat. We had a container of ice and wrapped different materials around the container. Every 5 minutes, we checked the temperature to see which materials were the best insulators. The winning materials were…

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29 March 2019

Science Challenge

This week, as part of our learning about materials the class were set the challenge to find a way to separate 3 different materials (sand, salt and water) once mixed together to make  a suspension.

Having learned about different ways to separate 2 materials (e.g. filtering, sieving, evaporating…

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29 March 2019


Congratulations to Charlotte, Toby, Jude and Elina for being awarded 200 smileys. Well done!

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29 March 2019


Congratulations to Jacob and Oliver for being awarded 100 smileys. Well done boys!

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28 March 2019

Drum fun and food… yum!

This week in nursery we had fun playing simple rhythms on the djembe drums and practising our African dance moves too!  We also enjoyed tasting African food… it was yummy.

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27 March 2019

WOW work!

All of our children have been producing some really beautiful, high quality work recently. Here are a few photos from our ‘Wow Wall’ which at the moment is displaying some beautiful art work of Mowzer the cat ( from the book ‘The Mousehole Cat’)  The children used chalk pastels when drawing Mowzer…

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27 March 2019

Dodgeball fun!

We have had a brilliant morning in PE learning the skills of Dodgeball. Thank you to our PE coach Miss Green for delivering today’s lesson. The children absolutely loved it!

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