5 April 2019

The most magnificent things.

We had a lovely afternoon welcoming our relatives into school to help us make our most magnificent things.  We had already schemed, dreamed and planned what we were going to make.  We had all our materials that we needed so it was time to be creative.

Look at the creativity in the room,…

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5 April 2019

Silver Awards!

Congratulations to Amelie, Evie, Gracie, Oliver, Matthew, Logan, Erin and Evie for being awarded 200 smileys. Brilliant news!

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5 April 2019

Invigorating Investigations

Another week of fantastic science learning has come to an end.

On Monday, the children investigated how materials dissolve in water. Some children focused on whether the number of stirs affected the time it took to dissolve, some children observed whether the temperature of water affected the…

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5 April 2019

Mighty measures.

As part of maths we have been learning how to measure.  We have been looking at different units of measure.  We measured objects around the classroom, pieces of string and then people …

We had to be very careful when measuring each other.  Who would be the tallest and the…

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4 April 2019

My Most Magnificent Thing!

Wow, what a fun day we have had! This morning, we decorated biscuits and did Easter activities.

This afternoon, our parents and grandparents came into school to help us to bring our inventions to life! Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

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4 April 2019

Easter Time

This week in nursery we have been making Easter cards. We were really good at writing our names inside.

We made chocolate nests with eggs and chicks on top too… yum.

Happy Easter everyone!

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4 April 2019


Congratulations to Sophie, Willow, Lacey-Jayde and Olivia for being 200 smileys.

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4 April 2019


Well done Josh for being awarded 400 smileys! What an amazing achievement in two terms!

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4 April 2019

Easter Revision

Here are some websites where you can revise and practise key skills over the Easter break.  Bookmark them or add them to your favourites list on your computer and try to go on them regularly throughout the holiday and leading up to SATS.


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4 April 2019

The most magnificent thing!

We really did have a marvellous afternoon making our magnificent inventions! Thank you for all of your support.

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4 April 2019


Well done to Leyla, Polly, Georgia and Charley for being awarded 300 smileys. Brilliant!

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4 April 2019

Easter SATs Revision

Here are some websites where you can revise and practise key skills over the Easter break.  Bookmark them or add them to your favourites list on your computer and try to go on them regularly throughout the holiday and leading up to SATS.


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