Balanced argument - Class 5SG
In Year 5, we have been looking at balanced arguments. To start this unit off, the children were given a point of view on a piece of paper and had to find their matching group. This lead to them deciding if they were for or against fireworks, the royal family or homework. Once they had sorted…
Classification with class 5SG
At the start of our Science topic on classification, the children were given a selection of Liquorice Allsorts and asked to sort them into groups. They then had to think about what questions they could ask to distinguish them from each other. Once they had done this, they were asked to present…
Dragon on the loose!
We could not believe what we were greeted with in the Key Stage One classrooms this morning!
The classrooms had been turned totally upside down. There were burnt books, footprints, scales and a huge mess! After inspecting what had been left in the destruction, we came to the conclusion that a…
Head, shoulders, knees and ...
Today we were learning about the parts of our body.
We drew around one of our friends and labelled the parts of the body.
Well done Year 1!
Year 3 Handball Festival
Year 3 had a fantastic time at the Handball Festival, playing games with Waltham Leas Primary. They had the opportunity to learn the basic skills and then put these skills into action with some exciting games!
Coding when and do loops
During our coding lesson this week, 6EN deconstructed code on the Kodu coding studio. They continued with their understanding of the when do loop and they even debugged written code and the code they then created for themselves. Well done everyone, you will be building a game in no…
Class 5SG Gymnastics
This week Year 5 had a Gymnastics session with Miss Green. They worked on different types of rolls and jumps in pairs. They then had to create a circuit as teams and only travel using the different jumps, rolls, steps and balances.
We are Geographers
As part of our new topic, we have been using atlases to locate different parts of the Uk as well as using atlases and our knowledge of the continents to locate mountains around the world.
Balanced Argument in Class 5SG
This week in English, Year 5 have started looking at Balanced Arguments. The children were given a point of view on a slip of paper from 1 of 3 debates. They then had to find their group, decide if they were for or against the debate and add suitable sentence openers. They then presented their…
Classification in Class 5SG
In Year 5 we have been looking at Classification in Science. The children were given a selection of Liquorice Allsorts and had to work in groups to create a classification key to identify them. They then presented their key using the sweets they were given.
In nursery this week we have been learning about pattern.
We looked at patterns around the environment and made repeating patterns using cubes. We also printed patterns using vegetables.
Oliver’s Vegetables
This week we have been reading the story Oliver’s Vegetables. We thought about how Vegetables grow and we tried some fruits and vegetables just like Oliver does in the story. We tried rainbow carrots, different coloured peppers and some tomatoes. We used our senses to describe them and talked…