Y56 WW2 Day
For our World War 2 Day, the children in Y56 dressed up in 1940s clothes and we had some brilliant costumes including evacuees, land girls and soldiers. We spent the day immersing ourselves in learning about life as an evacuee. The children took part in an activity where they were given various…
Maths, Phonics, Moving and More!
We’ve had such a busy few days in reception. We had lots of fun in our phonics lessons; improving our letter formation in different media, working on hearing initial sounds and reading words to find matching pairs. In maths, we have been comparing objects, quantities, heights and lengths. We have…
What do you think to our Rangoli patterns?
We had so much fun creating our own rangoli patterns onto our pebbles. We designed them and then carefully painted our patterns. We can’t wait to display them around school for you all to see during Divali!
Busy bees in Year 3!
We have had a very busy start to our week. Here we are working collaboratively in our Maths and Science lessons. We worked hard finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less than a 3 digit number. We then successfully took on the Scrapheap Challenge in Science sorting materials into magnetic and…
Reception Letters and Sounds
We have enjoyed learning our sounds using the stories. We listened to ‘Pirate Pete’ on our pirate ship and had fun popping the bubbles outside.
We have had a great athletics lesson today with Miss Green. She taught us a variety of athletics activities that involved throwing and catching and it is safe to say that we were exhausted!
Making Friends
Our Nursery children have been building relationships with each other. It is lovely to see them playing so nicely together showing care and collaboration.
Gymnastics with Class 1
We had a fantastic PE lesson this morning learning all about different rolls and jumps we can use in gymnastics. We learnt how to do tuck, straddle and split jumps as well as pencil and egg rolls. Once we had had lots of practice in our groups, we then moved onto the equipment, showing off what we…
100% Attendance
Well done to Mrs. Carrington's class and Mrs. Stanforth's class for having 100% attendance last week.
P.E in the Big Hall
In reception we have been working on following instructions in P.E. We enjoyed playing games together with our new friends. We are improving at removing our shoes and socks and putting them back on again all by ourselves. We also practised our ball skills and using the hall space safely.
Investigating Properties of Materials
This term we are learning about the properties of materials. So far we have been investigating and testing absorbency, electrical conductivity and thermal insulation.
To test absorbency, we dipped different materials in water and measured how high the water went. To investigate electrical…
Science - Investigating friction!
We have had lots of fun in Science this week. We have been investigating the effects of friction on different surfaces.
We predicted that the sandpaper would cause the most friction and we were correct. We wondered if the car would even make it!
Mrs Robinson was so impressed with how well…