18 January 2019

Super homework!

This term we are learning about the Viking Invaders and one of the tasks on our homework menu is to make a model of a Viking Shield or longboat.

Have a look at some of our wonderful creations (although we’re allowing artistic licence for what constitutes a Viking shield)

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18 January 2019


Well done to Sienna, Keeley, Ada, Reece, Alice and Martha for being awarded 200 smileys. Brilliant!

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18 January 2019


Well done to Joseph for receiving your bronze award. You are a super star!

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17 January 2019

Hooray for Fish!

We’ve  had a great week in nursery.

Our new topic is well underway and the children are enjoying learning about under the sea.  We read the book Hooray for Fish by Lucy Cousins and talked about the story and its characters.  The children have been busy painting their own colourful patterned…

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17 January 2019

Let’s Dance!

We enjoyed our dance session today, thank you Miss Green!
Look at our fab dance moves!

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17 January 2019

Year 3 and 4 Athletics Competition!

We had a fantastic time at our athletics competition today! Every child worked super hard and tried their best in their event! Well done everybody, it was a tough competition!

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17 January 2019

History researchers.

This week we have been busy being researchers.

We have been looking at the book ‘Daisy saves the day’ a young girl who is sent away to work as a scullery maid in a big house.

First, we worked together to look at images and text to find out about the jobs that Daisy did.

From this book we…

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16 January 2019

Where did the Vikings come from?

This afternoon, Y5CS have been continuing their research on the Vikings. Looking in more detail at where the Vikings came from, where they travelled to and what they traded there.

We used an atlas to help us locate different countries and we a used a key to identify which resources were traded…

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16 January 2019

Year 3 : budding journalists!

Happy new year!  We hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday.

Since returning to school last week we have been preparing to write a newspaper report. We have been looking at how a reporter gathers facts, finds sources and set out their reports using the appropriate language and style.  We…

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16 January 2019

Daisy Saves the Day

After reading Daisy Saves the Day, we found some words that we weren’t sure of. Today, we made our own list of definitions! We even used a dictionary to find some of the words.

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16 January 2019

Welcome back to Spring term.

It’s been a busy start to our new term with lots of fun things happening. The children have been working hard and enjoying our work around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and our topic Scrumdiddlyumptious. Over the past couple of weeks we have been working on our fitness in PE during our circuit…

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16 January 2019

Challenging Gymnastics

Today, the children challenged themselves and created their own gymnastics floor routine. It had to include: 4 movements forward; 3 movements to the side; 4 movements backwards; a balance that had to be held for at least 3 seconds.

Here are some photos of them in action.

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