We 8 yummy spiders!
We have all had lots of fun this week learning about spiders. We learnt lots of facts and went on a spider hunt. The children were excited to make their own spider biscuits, showing good maths skills counting all the legs.
Contour Line Models
In Geography, we have been learning about maps. This week, we learnt about how contour lines show us how high or low the land on the map is. To demonstrate this, we made models of contour lines and hills.
Mayan Stone Calendars 3CO
As part of our Art work, we have made our own Mayan Calendar Stones using different techniques. We learnt about how to shape our clay, coiling and carving a pattern. All our designs are very different but look fantastic.
Y5 interpretive Dance
We have been doing interpretive dance in P.E. this term. As a class, we chose to use ‘The Black pearl’ music from The Pirates of the Caribbean films. Our dances were about swashbuckled buckling pirates, exploring haunted houses, Halloween and Home Alone. This week we performed our dances to the…
Mayan Dance with 3CO
Over this half term, we have been linking our PE lessons to our Topic on The Mayans. We have learnt different moves linked to architecture, agriculture, gods of nature and script. The children then worked in groups to create a performance using some of the movements they had learnt. The groups…
Mayan art
We are coming to the end of our Mayan topic and Year 3 and 4 have been busy designing and creating their own Mayan calendar stones using clay.
Map contour lines
This week, year 5 and 6 have been working on improving their map skills. As part of this, they have been identifying contour lines on a map and understanding what they look like in real life. They have even been creating their own 3D contours!
Raincoat for Dogger
We were testing materials to see which would be the best material for a raincoat for Dogger. We thought about what we had already learnt about the properties of materials and predicted which material would be best. We then tested them to see if our predictions were correct.
Mayan Masks
Class 3CO have had a fantastic afternoon painting the first steps of their Mayan masks. They had to choose a base colour or pattern and make sure they covered it, ready to paint on the details next week. There were some amazing ideas and we can’t wait to share the finished…
Forest School Fun.
We had lots of fun at exploring Forest School. We also listened carefully to the sounds we could hear around us.
Mrs Augusta had a problem finding a matching pair of wellies, maybe the Dojo monsters are playing a trick.
Number lines!
For the last 2 days in Year 1, we have been learning to use a number line. We needed to count how many 'jumps' it would take to get from one number to another. It was important that we counted accurately so that we didn't count too many!
Year 3 Music lesson
Each week Class 3CO have been having music lessons, where they have been singing songs with different rhythm and tempos. They have learnt lots of musical language such as pulse and canon as well as listening to The Carnival of the Animals, guessing what animal the music is portraying. They have…