(DT) Warming Winter Soup
For our DT unit this term, we wanted to create a healthy, economic snack, which would warm people up after returning home from carol singing in the cold, night air. We decided that each class would make their own vegetable soup with a base of carrots, parsnips, onions and potates and flavour…
Meeting Blockzilla!
We have worked so hard in maths this week! We met the Blockzillas who have helped us to compare numbers. First we had to find a number in the classroom that was either greater than, less than or equal to Mrs Robinson’s number and then we worked in pairs to compare our own numbers!
Great work…
Y5/6 Tealby Visit
As part of our geography topic, we visited Tealby to compare it with our local area. In the run up to our visit, we have been learning to use Ordnance Survey maps and we put this use around Tealby in our pairs. Take a look at the photos from our visit.
The bones in our body
We labelled the bones in a human skeleton before working independently to label our own skeleton.
Ice creams for everyone!
To celebrate the end of year all the children and staff enjoyed a well deserved treat.
What time do you…
In maths in Year 3, we have recapped telling the time to o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We have then moved on to telling the time to 5 minutes and on a Roman numeral clock. We enjoyed finding out what the Queen did in her day and then showing it on our clock that was just like…
Today’s maths was a practical session getting to grips with tenths and hundredths. The children worked together to create patterns for their partners to find the fractions.
We Loved the Parachute!
We have been taking part in lots of games with the Parachute, it was so much fun! We listened to instructions to changes places with a friend and even pretended it was a spaceship and hid underneath it! We also enjoyed singing whilst playing some ring games and had to take turns to go in the…
World Book Day 2022
We have enjoyed showing off our costumes, sharing our books with friends, writing character descriptions and making bookmarks for our school books to celebrate World Book Day.
Using Maps and Atlases
In Y5/6 we have been learning about climate zones and biomes. We have become very skilled in using a range of maps and atlases. Working together we had to cross-reference information from different maps to identify the biomes in different continents and climate zones.
What did the Romans do for us?
We have come to the end of our topic on Romans. This week the children have been really busy using what they have learnt throughout the unit and further research to plan and produce a PowerPoint presentation about what the Romans have done for Britain, which they presented to the class. They all…
Y5/6 Blitz Setting Description
As part of our topic on World War 2, we have been learning about the Blitz. We have been looking at images, videos and reading first hand accounts of the air raids that happened during that time. We generated descriptive and figurative language phrases individually and shared and developed them…