How does light travel?
In Y56 we created 'human models' to demonstrate how light travels from a light source onto an object and then how it is reflected into our eyes, which enables us to see things. We worked brilliantly in our groups to create mini-videos to explain this. Here are a few pictures of us at…
Making our own magnetic games!
To finish our Forces and Magnets topic we designed and made our own magnetic game. We looked at a selection of magnetic games already on the market and then designed our own.
We were all very creative and came up with a great range of ideas. We then made our games and enjoyed playing them with…
Science - How strong is a piece of paper?
Year 1 and 2 have been set a special challenge this week! Using our knowledge of Tower Bridge, we needed to make different shaped towers to see which was the strongest. We made a cylinder, cuboid and triangular prism shape and tested their strength using books. It was a little tricky to make some…
Busy bees in Year 3!
We have had a very busy start to our week. Here we are working collaboratively in our Maths and Science lessons. We worked hard finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less than a 3 digit number. We then successfully took on the Scrapheap Challenge in Science sorting materials into magnetic and…
Investigating Properties of Materials
This term we are learning about the properties of materials. So far we have been investigating and testing absorbency, electrical conductivity and thermal insulation.
To test absorbency, we dipped different materials in water and measured how high the water went. To investigate electrical…
Science - Investigating friction!
We have had lots of fun in Science this week. We have been investigating the effects of friction on different surfaces.
We predicted that the sandpaper would cause the most friction and we were correct. We wondered if the car would even make it!
Mrs Robinson was so impressed with how well…
Happy Half Term
We have had a very busy half term learning all about minibeasts. We did lots of exciting activities and learnt lots of amazing facts.
Hello Caterpillars
We have had a very special delivery this week, we now have ten caterpillars in our class. We have named them all and have learnt all about the life cycle of a butterfly. We are very excited to watch them grow and change.
Dragon's Den 'Planet Challenge'
As part of our science work, we are learning about the solar system in Y5/6.
We are working in teams to research a 'celestial body' and present our findings to the rest of the class but... not only do we need to find interesting information, we have to also 'sell' our planet (or moon or…
Raincoat for Dogger
We were testing materials to see which would be the best material for a raincoat for Dogger. We thought about what we had already learnt about the properties of materials and predicted which material would be best. We then tested them to see if our predictions were correct.
Year 5 Homework
Well done Olivia for your homework of a model of our solar system.
Y6 back to school
We're finally all back to school and it may be a little different but we are busy learning.
Already we have been investigating materials in science and brushing up on our skills using atlases.
Have a look at some of the photos of us hard at work.