18 June 2019


Congratulations to Ethan, Ava, Eve, Cole, Lilian and Amelia for being awarded 300 smileys. Well done!

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13 June 2019


Congratulations to Lizzie for being awarded 300 smileys. Well done!

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13 June 2019

Lightbot Coding!

This afternoon, 34EP worked on their coding skills to play the game ‘Lightbot’.

They needed to input an algorithm (a set of instructions) and calculate where the bot would be on the squares. They needed to use procedures and loops in order to light up the squares at the end of the game.


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13 June 2019

Fun with fruit… yum!

This week in nursery, we looked at different types of fruit.

In maths we weighed the fruit in the balance scales to see which ones were the heaviest and lightest.

We all designed a fruit kebab and then made it.  They tasted delicious!

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13 June 2019


Well done to Alfie and Charlie for being awarded 100 smileys.

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13 June 2019


Well done to Georgia for being awarded 400 smileys. What an achievement!

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13 June 2019


Congratulations to Oscar, Eden, Prieya, Devon, Kornelia, Olivia, Leila, Noah, Michael and Izabel for being awarded 200 smileys. Well done, everyone!

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12 June 2019

Visit to The Deep

Our visit to The Deep in Hull last week was the perfect way to kick start our new top, ‘Blue Abyss’

A fun day was had by all and the children learnt a lot. Here are a few photos from an excellent day.

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12 June 2019

What time is it?

We have been impressing Miss James with our knowledge of o’clock times! We can tell the time in both analogue and digital time.

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12 June 2019

Time to celebrate!

We had a celebration today to say a big well done for all of the hard work 1RE have done for their phonics screening check. We are very proud of you all!

Also a big thank you to all of those that have helped at home!

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12 June 2019

Telling the time!

This week we have been learning to tell the time to o’clock.

Mrs Robinson put clocks around the classroom and we had to choose a clock and write what time it was showing.

Mrs Robinson was very impressed with our time telling skills!

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12 June 2019

Tally charts!

This week we have been learning how to tally. We did lots of practising together and then we were given a tube of smarties. We sorted them into colours and then filled in our tally chart!

We then used our tallying skills on a minibeast hunt. Well done Year 1!

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