Investigating Properties of Materials
This term we are learning about the properties of materials. So far we have been investigating and testing absorbency, electrical conductivity and thermal insulation.
To test absorbency, we dipped different materials in water and measured how high the water went. To investigate electrical…
Cubist Art Portraits
In Y5/6 we have been learning about the cubist style of art, first invented by Picasso and George Braque and we have experimented with creating our own cubist portraits. Here are some or our portraits.
Computer Aided Design
This week, Year 5/6 have been working on their Design shelter. We have been creating our shelters on a CAD program called Tinkercad. For the first time, we have managed to see our shelter designs come to life! Next week we will be matching our CAD designs to our design and manufacturing…
Dragon's Den 'Planet Challenge'
As part of our science work, we are learning about the solar system in Y5/6.
We are working in teams to research a 'celestial body' and present our findings to the rest of the class but... not only do we need to find interesting information, we have to also 'sell' our planet (or moon or…
Hockey skills
This week in PE, we have been improving our dribbling and push passing skills in hockey. We are now using only one side of our stick and we are getting quicker at moving the ball. Next week we are going to be focusing on improving our control and aiming.
Spreadsheet skills
This week in our computing lessons, we have been recapping what we know about spreadsheets and their basic functions. We have also been learning about calcullating answers using formulas. We now know how to use the shortcuts for adding (+) subtracting (-), multiplying (*) and dividing (/)…
Contour Line Models
In Geography, we have been learning about maps. This week, we learnt about how contour lines show us how high or low the land on the map is. To demonstrate this, we made models of contour lines and hills.
Y5 interpretive Dance
We have been doing interpretive dance in P.E. this term. As a class, we chose to use ‘The Black pearl’ music from The Pirates of the Caribbean films. Our dances were about swashbuckled buckling pirates, exploring haunted houses, Halloween and Home Alone. This week we performed our dances to the…
Map contour lines
This week, year 5 and 6 have been working on improving their map skills. As part of this, they have been identifying contour lines on a map and understanding what they look like in real life. They have even been creating their own 3D contours!
Year 5 Homework
Well done Olivia for your homework of a model of our solar system.
Y6 back to school
We're finally all back to school and it may be a little different but we are busy learning.
Already we have been investigating materials in science and brushing up on our skills using atlases.
Have a look at some of the photos of us hard at work.
Town and Country Atlas work
To begin our topic ‘Town and Country’, we were given a map quiz and had to use our atlas skills to find the answers. Some of the mountain ranges and towns were tricky to find, however we used what we knew about atlases to search through the index.
Well done everyone. You have all worked…