George, Year 5, has been busy learning how to make a bug hotel with his dad. He has learnt new woodwork skills, including how to use a hammer and nails safely, whilst caring for the environment. Well done George, this looks amazing and I am sure will be a great place for our garden mini beasts to live. Thank you for sharing your project with us and well done dad too!
Bug hotels are a great place for the wildlife in our garden to find shelter and it could shelter anything from hedgehogs to toads, solitary bees to bumblebees, and ladybirds to woodlice. If you would like to make one of your own or find out more then we have included some simple instructions to follow on the links below. Perhaps you could make a bug hideaway, leave it for a few days in your garden and then return to see who your visitors might be.
Keep sending in your photographs, they really do make us happy!
21 April 2020
Well done mate looks good
Mr Willett
27 April 2020
That's brilliant George! Well done!