Year 6 Home Learning
As the decision has been taken to close that children will remain at home, please find enclosed the Year 6 suggested home learning tasks. We recommend setting aside time each day for dedicated learning time and the practise of key skills. This will provide some structure for your children during these times of uncertainty. Please also refer to the Y5/6 blog page where information and additional tasks will be available.
We recommend that children spend at least two hours a day completing English and Maths tasks (an hour on each) and some additional time practising SPaG activities.
Encourage your children to read as much as possible – including topic and science related subjects. All children have access to BUG CLUB at home where they can access a free on-line library with comprehension quizzes and Grammar and SPaG games and quizzes.
The children also have SATs Practice question books for Reading and SPaG (as well as their homework books), where they can select tasks to complete.
It is also essential that your child continue to write on a regular basis. Here are a few suggestions:
- Watch a film and write a film critic’s review for a magazine
- Watch a film or read a book and write a letter to or as one of the characters
- This term we have been learning about the Polar Regions – research a famous polar explorer and write their biography
- Learn the Y5/6 statutory spellings – write a sentence for every spelling on the list
Encourage your children to complete one or two maths of the tasks in their SATs Practice books each day and their CGP homework book. This will ensure they do not forget the skills and knowledge they have acquired. We have also enclosed copies of SATs Practice Papers for them to do.
All children have logins for Times Tables Rock stars and Big Maths – where they can practise key mental arithmetic skills. In addition, they can access Prodigy Maths to complete the tasks, which we set them (and play maths games against their classmates).
This half term we have begun to study Inuit art. Please encourage your child to research one or two famous Inuit artists to see if they can replicate their work (in any media they choose), perhaps creating and collating their own sketchbook of ideas.
Finally, here are a few suggested websites, which are free to use. You can access these directly from the Y5/6 blog by clicking on the links.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/english/ Click on the links for both READING and SPELLING and GRAMMAR. There are lots of games and activities to help you with all text types.
http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2literacy.html lots to choose here!
http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/literacy/index.htm lots and lots!
http://www.grammarmechanics.com click on any of the tabs to revise grammar and practise for your Grammar Test
Literacy Bootcamp http://www.compare4kids.co.uk/literacy.php first 6 days are free.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/maths/ practise all three areas (Number, Handling Data and Shape & Measures)
http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2numeracy.html tables, division, fractions and decimals
http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/maths/index.html lots and lots here! Choose what you think you need to practise most.
All subjects:
https://www.twinkl.co.uk/ Twinkl are offering free access to all resources during this time. Parents can create an account for their children and download hundreds of free activities, projects and study packs.
Noah F
21 March 2020
Hello everyone.