Springfield Primary Academy

‘Care, Collaboration, Challenge’


Our Vision


At Springfield Primary Academy our vision is to:-


  • Promote respect for all through positive example


  • Recognise and value everyone as an individual


  • Grow, develop and learn within a safe and secure environment


  • Provide experiences and opportunities for all to reach their full potential


  • Create a stimulating and exciting learning environment


  • Have professional relationships with everyone; to be a welcoming community


  • Strive for the best through rigorous self-evaluation


  • Celebrate everyone’s achievements


  • Engender an enthusiasm for learning and a sense of awe and wonder of the world that we live in

At Springfield Primary Academy we recognise and value everyone as an individual. We are committed to challenging and supporting each person in order for them to reach their full potential.


Respect, good manners and positive attitudes are actively nurtured in order to develop independence and life skills, so that everyone makes a positive contribution to our school and the wider community.


We provide a stimulating and exciting learning environment which encourages an enthusiasm for learning. We are committed to high standards and expectations striving for excellence in all that we do.


School Times


Part time Nursery sessions are from 9.00am until 12.00pm and from 12.30pm until 3.30pm.


School begins at 9am. Each class in Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) has their own ‘rendezvous point’ on the playground and will be met by their class teacher at 9.00am and accompanied into school. Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) children line up in their ‘rendezvous point’ when the whistle is blown on the Key Stage 2 playground at 8.55am. A member of staff will be on both playgrounds from 8.50am. Please make sure your child does not arrive before this time as we are unable to take responsibility for their safety.


The Reception Unit doors are opened at 9am and parents are allowed to accompany the children into the setting. Please be patient in the first weeks of term, as there are a lot of children and parents in a relatively small space. We feel, however, that the benefits of accompanying your child into school in the first weeks, outweighs any congestion issues.


For reasons of security, the doors will be locked at 9.05am. If you arrive later than this it will be necessary for your child to come into school via the main entrance, thus ensuring that the registers are amended to record your child’s attendance. If your child arrives after 9.30am then they will receive an absence mark for that session.


The morning session ends at 11.45am for the Foundation Stage and 12.00pm for the rest of the school. The afternoon session begins at 1.00pm for all children in school.


School finishes at 3.30pm. A member of staff will be on both playgrounds at this time to ensure a safe end of day.


For Reception and Key Stage 1, we ask that children be met by an adult known to ourselves at the classroom door. Please note that we will not allow children to leave school until we have seen that an adult is there to meet them. Please ensure that your child’s class teacher is made aware of any changes to the usual arrangements.


Absence from school


If your child is unwell we ask that you let us know by telephone on their first day of absence, stating the nature of their illness and the expected length of absence.


If your child has an appointment (dentist, doctor, etc.) which involves time away from school, please inform the school office. We will need to take a copy of the appointment card for our records. Be aware that if the appointment is at the beginning of the school day and your child does not return before 9.30am, then they will receive a medical absence mark. If your child has an appointment during the school day, you must pick up and sign your child out at the school office.


If your child is taken ill at school we will use the information provided on the contact form to notify you. Please ensure that school is informed of any changes to your contact details.


If your child is absent from school and we have not had contact with you, it is our policy to phone parents on the first day of absence in order to establish your child’s whereabouts.


Where several late or non-attendances are recorded and become a cause for concern, the school will initially send a letter to that child’s parents. In some cases, the education welfare officer will be informed and will want to arrange a home visit to discuss the situation.


Leave of absence for pupils to have time off in Term Time


In the past, government regulations have allowed head teachers to grant a leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday during term time in ‘special circumstances’ of up to ten school days per year. Head teachers were also able to grant extended leave for more than ten school days in exceptional circumstances.


From September 2013, amendments have been made to the regulations, which remove reference to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days. The amendments make clear that head teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The Department for Education now states that head teachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school, if leave is granted.


When considering a request the school will take into account:

  • the amount of time requested;
  • age of the child;
  • the child’s general absence/attendance record;
  • proximity of SATs;
  • the child’s ability to catch up the work;
  • the child’s educational needs compared with the potential general welfare of the child;
  • circumstances of the leave;
  • Purpose of the leave.

If a request, or any part of it is refused, and the child does not attend school, or if days in excess of granted leave are taken, that absence will be unauthorised.  The Education Welfare Service will be informed of unauthorised absences relating to requests for Leave of Absence and will take appropriate action, which could include a Penalty Notice or prosecution.


Medical issues


No child should bring medicines or tablets to school.


If your child has been prescribed a course of antibiotics but is well enough to return to school before it has been completed, then parents should ensure that the correct dosage is given whilst the child is at home. However, we realise that the course of treatment may require further doses during the school day. If so, you are requested to clearly label such medicines and then deliver them personally to the school office. You will be asked to sign a register giving permission for us to administer the prescribed dosage. Such medicines will be kept safely until you collect them. Under no circumstances will they be given to the child to take home.


If your child requires regular use of or access to an inhaler, supervised access will be given as requested. If your child is asthmatic, please complete the relevant form.


Please ensure that staff are made fully aware of any allergies so that contact with any irritants can be avoided.


If you have any queries or concerns about medication, please arrange an appointment to discuss the matter with Mr Willett before your child starts school. In this way we can hope to avoid potentially distressing situations.


In the event that your child has a minor accident (bumps and scrapes) at school we would not normally inform you, but a record will be kept in the accident book. All head injuries will be entered into the main accident book and we will attempt to notify parents as soon as possible.


We occasionally have children in school with head lice. This problem can keep reoccurring and we would advise you to check your child’s hair regularly. If you do have a problem, please inform us so that we can inform other parents. No one will be told which particular child has head lice.


School Meals


Hot lunches are cooked and served on the premises. From September 2014, free hot lunches have been provided for all Reception and Key Stage 1 children. For Key Stage 2 children, the current cost is £2.25 per meal. All meals are booked through Parent Pay, our online booking and payments system.


If you prefer, you may provide your child with a packed lunch. Please ensure that your child’s lunch box is clearly labelled.


You may of course wish to take your child home for lunch. The lunch break is one and a quarter hours in the Foundation Stage and one hour in Key Stages 1 and 2.


Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children are provided with a piece of fruit each day and are encouraged to take advantage of this healthy snack during the day.


Milk is provided each day free of charge for all children in Nursery and Reception. School milk is subsidised for pupils in Year 1 and above costing just 22p per day. Each pupil that registers with Cool Milk receives a 189ml portion of semi-skimmed milk every day. Please ask the office for a letter on how to register for an account.


Breakfast and After School Club


Breakfast Club starts at 7.45am, the children will be able to choose from a selection of breakfast options once they arrive. From September 2021, the price of this club will be £5.00. We also offer two After School Clubs, one running until 4.30pm (£5.00) and the other until 5.30pm (£7.00), a small drink and snack will be provided to children attending the club. Both Breakfast and After School Club are run by Mrs Abul-Hawa along with Mrs Boam and other support staff.


Each half term we offer alternative clubs such as football and dance that run once a week by outside agencies that come into school. These clubs may vary and change each half term so there is usually something new. All clubs, including After School and Breakfast Club can be booked and paid for on Parent Pay.


Some places of work offer childcare vouchers to their staff which can be used to pay for After School and Breakfast Club, please speak to your employer first regarding this.




For children in the Nursery, clothes should be practical, comfortable and easy to use for toilet times e.g. jogging bottoms rather than trousers with buttons and zips. Shoes need to be sensible and safe. It is recommended that children wear school sweatshirts and a white polo shirt.


For children in Reception and in Key Stages 1 and 2, the wearing of school uniform is compulsory. The school colour is red. Garments embroidered with the school logo can be purchased from Greenswear, in Cleethorpes. Grey or black trousers/skirts and black shoes complete the uniform. In summer, red gingham check dresses or grey/black shorts may be worn.


When buying shoes, please consider the problems young children have in tying shoelaces. Velcro fastenings can increase their daily independence in changing their footwear.


Children may wear black shorts and a school PE top which can be purchased from Greenswear.


Indoor lessons are normally taken barefoot. Throughout the year we endeavour to have at least one session per week of ‘outdoor’ PE and ask that you provide your child with a black sweat shirt, tracksuit type bottoms and trainers/plimsolls.


Please label all your child’s clothes and shoes. It is very difficult to distinguish between identical unnamed sweatshirts, etc. in the event of loss.




Children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school. If your child has had their ears pierced, then stud earrings would be acceptable to wear to school.


Earrings must be removed for PE lessons, including swimming, for reasons of safety. Staff are not permitted to remove or replace earrings, so it is essential that any child wearing them can both remove and replace them unaided. Please provide a small bag or container so that your child can store their earrings safely. Members of staff are not responsible for your child’s jewellery.


If your child has recently had their ears pierced and are unable to take out their earrings for a period of time, then they will not be able to take part in any PE lessons. May we suggest that the best time to have ears pierced would be at the beginning of the summer holidays so that they have time to be fully healed before the start of the autumn term.


Make up


As a school we feel that it is inappropriate for children to wear make up in school, including nail polish.


Book bags and PE bags


In order to encourage the children to value their books we recommend that they have an appropriate bag to carry them to and from school. Book bags and PE bags are available at Greenswear, Cleethorpes.


Charging for School Activities


The charging policy for school activities is in accordance with the requirements of the Local Authority’s policy which reflect those embodied within the Education Reform Act. For some activities, parents will be requested to make a voluntary contribution to the cost (e.g. excursions out of school, plays, performances, etc.) The school will also subsidise such activities from its budget. Any parent experiencing difficulties in meeting the cost of an activity is invited to discuss this in confidence with Mr Willett.


Musical Opportunities


Throughout the school all children are given the opportunity to explore our range of percussion and tuned instruments in order to develop their musical skills and encourage an understanding of the main musical elements.


In Year 2, children are given the opportunity to learn to play the ukulele. As they enter Key Stage 2, children have the opportunity to play a variety of instruments through the year, such as drums, violins and glockenspiels. Additional lessons are offered by a peripatetic music teacher. A charge is levied to cover the cost of these additional lessons and parents and pupils are expected to enter into a contract with the music teacher each term to ensure commitment.


Rights and responsibilities


  • All pupils have the right to learn and all teachers/teaching assistants have the right to teach
  • Everyone has the right to be treated equally and with respect
  • Everyone has the right to feel safe and secure whilst at school
  • Everyone has a responsibility for their own behaviour
  • Everyone has a responsibility to let lessons happen without disruption
  • Everyone has a responsibility to treat others fairly and with respect
  • Everyone has a responsibility to respect the school and the property of others


To give children opportunities to demonstrate their shared responsibilities for the management of the school a monitor system is in place. Class teachers may give additional responsibilities to pupils in their classrooms on a volunteer basis.


School Rule


We have one positive rule in school and everyone is expected to know it:


‘Do the right thing, in the right place, at the right time’.


This rule will be discussed frequently in all classes to reinforce its message. Reference will also be made to it in sanctions at all levels.


Behaviour Strategies


Positive encouragement

  • Good behaviour is encouraged and rewarded verbally throughout the day, by children and adults alike
  • Our Jigsaw PSHCE programme supports the building of self-esteem and positive behaviour
  • Good manners and thoughtful behaviour are rewarded with verbal praise or stickers
  • Positive attitudes to learning and class work will be commended in the ‘I Am Proud’ assembly, to which parents are invited
  • Each week, class teacher’s choose a number of children to take their work to the Headteacher
  • Dojo points are awarded for doing the right thing; these build up to bronze, silver, gold and platinum awards.
  • Other rewards include – Headteacher’s awards, class based systems, stickers, praise and the showing of excellent work to other adults and classes in school
  • Children are nominated as ‘Care, Collaboration and Challenge’ role models for showing these attributes over a period of time.


A detailed copy of the school behaviour policy can be found on the school website.


How is my child doing?


Just before October half term, you will have an opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher to discuss how well your child has settled into school or their new class. Children are invited to this evening. There will also be another opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher in the spring term.


At the end of the Autumn and Spring terms, your child will receive a report that indicates whether or not your child is on track to meet end of year expectations.


At the end of the Summer term, you will receive your child’s annual report. This will give you a clear indication of how well your child has progressed and will include targets and suggestions of support required for the future. This will be followed up by an open evening, where you will have an opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher to discuss their report. Children are welcome to attend.


We do have an open door policy, so if you need to speak to your child’s class teacher about any concerns that you may have, please make an appointment at the office.


Open mornings regularly take place for parents of our Key Stage 1 and Year 3/4 children.


Special Needs


Every child may at some time during their school life have a special educational need. Every child is different and through regular assessments we are able to recognise where a need arises. Specific work can be set to suit the needs of these children with each child working at their own level. Specialist help is available both from school and from outside agencies.


The teacher with responsibility for Special Needs is Miss Bunn. She helps to set programmes of work for children through consultation with other staff, monitors progress and seeks help from outside agencies where appropriate.


If you think that your child is having difficulties with their work, then in the first instance you should talk to your child’s class teacher.


Religious Education and Collective Worship


Religious Education follows the guidelines of the Local Authority Agreed Syllabus. The daily collective act of worship is broadly Christian in character but also deals with moral and social issues. Assemblies are led by staff, children, or local visitors from varying denominations. Parents are notified of special assemblies so that they may participate. Parents have a right to withdraw their child from worship or RE lessons and arrangements can be made to this effect at the written request of the parents.


Relationships and Sex Education


Last year, the Department for Education announced changes to relationships and sex education. These changes came into effect in September 2020, and all schools are required to comply with the updated requirements.


Our new relationships curriculum includes teaching about families and people who care for me, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships and being safe. The curriculum also covers mental well-being, internet safety and harms, physical health and fitness, healthy eating, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, health and prevention, basic first aid and the changing adolescent body. This includes key facts about puberty, particularly from age 9 through to age 11, including physical and emotional changes and also about menstrual wellbeing, including the key facts about the menstrual cycle.


Our Science curriculum includes teaching about lifecycles, reproduction in plants and animals and changes to the human body, including puberty.


Our Jigsaw curriculum covers all aspects of the Relationships and Health curriculum that we have to implement, so we do not envisage any changes to what is taught. There are six units that the children cover each year – ‘Being Me in My World’, ‘Celebrating Difference’, ‘Dreams and Goals’, ‘Healthy Me’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’.


The ‘Changing Me’ unit is taught in the summer term. Each year group is taught appropriate to their age and developmental stage, building on the previous years’ learning. The unit is all about coping positively with change and includes:


Ages 3-5:       Growing up: how we have changed since we were babies

Ages 5-6:       Boys’ and girls’ bodies, correct names for body parts

Ages 6-7:       Boys’ and girls’ bodies; body parts and respecting privacy (which parts of the body are private and why this is)

Ages 7-8:       How babies grow and how boys’ and girls’ bodies change as they grow older.

Ages 9-10:     Puberty for boys and girls, including the social and emotional aspects of becoming an adolescent. 

Ages 10-11:   Puberty for boys and girls revisited. Becoming a teenager.


Please see our Relationships and Sex Education policy in the policy section of our website, for more details. This includes more information about the Jigsaw units taught and the RSE curriculum.


Safety and Welfare


The safety and security of our children is paramount. The school has a security system that is designed to prohibit the entry of unauthorised visitors. All of our doors are kept locked and can only be opened from the inside under supervision of the staff. There is access to the entrance foyer, but access to school through the inner doors is via a key fob system. During the day, gates onto the playground are kept locked.


If you take your child out of school for any reason during school hours, please sign them out at the school office and then sign them back in upon return to school.


Some of our older children choose to cycle to school unaccompanied. We must stress that this is a decision made by the parent. We would strongly encourage your child to wear a cycle helmet when cycling to school. During Year 5, we organise Bikeability training for your child.


We have a wild life area which is fenced off and is only used with staff present. We would ask that you supervise your children before and after school to make sure any younger children do not go into this area.


When bringing your child to and from school, please be aware of the dangers of parking. The area at the front of the school and the exit onto Lavenham Road can get very congested. Please park responsibly and legally. It is an offence to park on the zig-zag lines between the hours of 8.30am and 9.30am and 3pm and 4pm. Remember, this is for the safety of your children.


Sun Safety


We would like to remind you of the importance of sending your child to school with some form of protection when the forecast is for prolonged sunshine. Children at school play out at lunchtime when the sun’s rays are at their strongest. In order to compensate for this, we would suggest that on summer days children are sent to school wearing a sun block of suitable strength. Children may be sent to school with their own sun block cream which they may apply only to themselves and no other children. This cream must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and may not be taken outside. Any child misusing it will have it confiscated. Staff are not allowed to apply these creams or lotions for children.



Extra Curricular Activities


A variety of extra curricular activities are available for the children. Such activities may include football, skipping, Jaffa Club, Fit Kidz, Dance Theatre, Choir, Dance, Fencing, Badminton and Gym. These are added to at regular intervals. Activities are run by either school staff or outside providers. A small charge may be made, depending on who’s providing the activity and the activity itself.


Residential Visits


In Year 4 we offer a one night residential, based around the topic the children are studying at that time.


In Year 5 we offer a two night residential, based around the topic the children are studying at that time.


In Year 6 we offer a four night residential to an outdoor pursuits centre such as PGL.


Helping in school


Class teachers are always thankful for extra support within the classroom. If you would like to volunteer in school, please talk to the office staff or Mr Willett. We will explain the Disclosure and Barring procedure, which needs to be completed before anyone can work in school. This is for the protection of the children within our care, which is of paramount importance to us. We do request that all visitors sign in at the office and wear a ‘visitor’ badge so that our children are reassured by the badge if a person is unfamiliar to them.


General Information


In the interest of safety and loss, the following things are not to be sent to school:


  • Sweets of any kind, including cough or sore throat sweets
  • Toys
  • Money
  • Jewellery


A final word


We strive to provide your child with an education based on developing the full potential of the individual and look forward to working with you in partnership to achieve this.


Thank you for taking the time to read this booklet. I hope that you use it as a resource to guide you through the first term. If there are questions that have not been answered, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff.


Welcome to Springfield Primary Academy.