I am writing to you whilst still in very uncertain times. As you know, the government have announced that from the 1st June, Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children will begin to come back to school. Over the past few weeks we have been making plans, completing risk assessments and preparing classrooms. At present, I am not able to give you precise dates as to when each of the year groups will return to school. The Trustees of the Enquire Learning Trust will meet on Tuesday 26th May to review our plans and make a decision as to when Trust schools will re-open. Even when this decision has been made, the final decision to open schools to more year groups will be made by the Prime Minister. He has maintained that schools will only re-open when all of the five government tests have been met. As we understand, that announcement will be made on the 28th May.
I understand that this is very frustrating, but unavoidable. As soon as we have information of the wider opening of school I will write to you again. In the meantime, we remain open throughout the half term holiday for those children of key worker parents, as we have been throughout this whole crisis.
Thank you once again for your commitment to home learning and the support that you are giving us and your children at this time.